This is my fourth shoot, where I was looking at using different lenses and wanting to experiment with different lenses, So I got my hands on a fish eye lens. Which I thought would distort the truth more than a 50mm or a wide angle would, due to how this lens bends the edges and exaggerates the curves of the lens which produce a different view that we see.Using the fish eye looks like there is a vienet around the lens but this was because the lens was an attachment not a dedicated lens.
I was looking into Henri Cartier-Bresson as he has been an influence for a lot of my work due to his use of film and his candid photogrpahy in the 1940s and using the "desisive moment" which if not all my shoots have taken some influence from.
I did this shoot in digital as It was easier than using film and I hadn't managed to find a lens that the fish eye could attach to. I found that the fish eye only worked when you were fully zoomed out at 18mm. This wasnt a problem but sometimes I forgot and it just took normal pictutres. Due to th 180 degree angle you got from the lens you had to be very close to the subject to get them fully in frame and somtimes you couldnt get as close as you wanted as you would be removing a lot of light from the pictures. I took the pictutrs over a weeked and tryed to shoot anything that I thought would beifit from the egageration on the edges of the pictutres.
The fish eye is interesting due to how it bends the sides of the pictutre so staight things such as trees and lamp posts are bent with the curve of the lens which changes the truth of the picture as its not what is infront of me as I am taking the picture.
There are some long exposures in this shoot. The first 5 were with a group of us taking star photos and I took some of them taking star picures which turned out pretty well as it was some of my first star pictures I have taken, but thelimiting factor was that the wide angle of the fish eye picked up a lot of light polution.
In my next shoot I would like to combine the fish eye and the film destruction, whcih will change how the picture can desplay the truth even more.
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